Stress Remedies for Brides-to-be

Stress Remedies for Brides-to-be

You want your wedding day to be perfect.  No pressure then!  And there will times when you feel as if you’ve had as much wedding preparation fun as you can take.  In this post we share some tips on how to keep your emotional equilibrium if things ever feel like they’re getting to much. 

Don’t feel bad about feeling bad 

Getting stressed out about organising such a big and important event, at such an emotional stage of your life, is entirely normal.  And the fact you are so wound up, losing sleep and getting ratty with people doesn’t mean you are a total bridezilla! 

Realise it’s not you, but the situation - stop blaming yourself.  Then get things in perspective – your own state of mind and your relationship with your partner are both way more important than an issue with the dress or the fact a friend can’t make the date.  

Lean on your support network   

Ever heard “two heads are better than one”?  It’s true!   So, whenever you’re faced with a problem you’re struggling to solve on your own, share it.  Who with?  It might be with your partner, a relative or with your bestie – you decide who is best placed to give you the love, support and advice you need.  Even if they don’t come up with a solution just talking it out will be a big help.      

Try a digital detox  

Social media makes it easier to stay in touch with friends but it can also be a real downer in other ways.  Comparing your modest wedding plans to some of the extravagant stuff on Pinterest won’t do much for your peace of mind.  Nor will comparing yourself and your lifestyle to the influencers on Instagram boost your self-esteem.  Tear yourself away from the screen, give your thumbs a rest and take some me/we time…just the two of you, enjoying a special meal, taking time out for a proper talk or watching an episode of a favourite series.     

Indulge yourself  

Been spending every evening poring over your wedding budget Excel spreadsheets?  Too many lunches at your desk while you chase up suppliers?  Constantly tracking the latest trends in wedding cakes/dress fashions/buddymoons?  You need to call a “time out”! 

Clear some space in your schedule for stuff that helps you relax, nourishes your spirit and brings you joy.  Whether it’s baking chocolate chip cookies, a session at the gym or a good soak in a hot bath…just do it.   

Make a “done” list 

You read that right – instead of fretting about your “to-do” list keep a “done” one.   Spend a little time every evening, or at the end of the week, making a list of all the things you’ve accomplished.  It’ll do wonders for your state of mind.   

Get moving  

Numerous studies show that physical exercise helps lower stress levels – and it doesn’t have to be something extreme!  The advice from healthcare professionals is to take 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week, and swimming, yoga or gentle walking are great places to start.  The evidence suggests this type of activity can reduce your risk of depression by 30%, improve sleep quality, increase self-confidence and help you manage stress and anxiety better.  

Eat and drink sensibly 

Most of us respond to stress by reaching for a bottle of wine or a bar of chocolate.  But comfort eating and drinking actually just makes us feel worse - once the sugar rush or the alcohol buzz has passed comes a crash (and feelings of guilt).  The fact it also helps us put on weight is another reason to resist this temptation.  

A crash diet to reach your ideal wedding weight is not recommended either.  Severely restricting your calorie intake makes you feel lethargic and irritable – certainly not helpful for your mental health!   

Sticking to a healthy balanced diet of freshly prepared meals with plenty of vegetables is much the best advice.  And cutting down on the alcohol and caffeine will help you sleep better. 

Say “yes” less 

Don’t take on too much – it’s a sure way to ramp up your stress levels.  Saying “no” is not selfish but sensible.  Your time and energy are precious and you need preserve them.   

Share the load 

Delegate more – a lot of time-consuming tasks can be handled by groomsmen, parents and friends.   Ask nicely and they’ll only be too happy to help. 

We hope you find these tips useful.  The getting married journey is an emotional rollercoaster but follow them and you’ll enjoy every moment of the ride! 




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